
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Freedom In Ministry
January 14, 2007
The Warwick Center

The Approach to God

The Call to Worship -- Psalm 97
L: Our God is the true ruler of this earth.
Let the earth rejoice in God!
P: Peace and grace are the foundation of God's earth! God lightens the earth so we may see!
L: The heavens proclaim God's glory!
All other gods bow down before our true God!
P: Light dawns for the faithful!
Joy dawns for the upright of heart!
U: Rejoice in grace, saints of God!
Give thanks to God's most holy name!
Rejoice! Again we say, rejoice!
* The Hymn: “We Have Come at Christ’s Own Bidding”
* The Salutation -- from Jude 1-2
L: To those who are called,
who are beloved in God the Father
and kept safe for Jesus Christ:
May mercy, peace, and love be yours
in abundance.

The Call to Confession
L: God’s Word assures us:
If we say that we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins,
he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
In humility and faith let us confess our sin to God.
The Prayer of Confession -- Unison
Awesome and compassionate God,
you have loved us with unfailing, self-giving mercy,
but we have not loved you.
You constantly call us, but we do not listen.
You ask us to love, but we walk away from neighbors in need,
wrapped in our own concerns.
We condone evil, prejudice, warfare, and greed.
God of grace, as you come to us in mercy,
we repent in spirit and in truth,
admit our sin, and gratefully receive your forgiveness
through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.
The Words of Assurance
L: Who is in a position to condemn? Only Christ, and Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us.
P: If anyone is in Christ, they become a new person altogether – the past is finished and gone, everything has become fresh and new.
L: Friends, believe the Good News!
P: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.
The Law of God
As God’s own people, be merciful in action, kindly in heart, humble in mind. Be always ready to forgive as freely as the Lord has forgiven you. And, above everything else, be loving, and never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.

The Word of God
* The Hymn: “Will You Come and Follow Me”
The Lesson
Genesis 12:1-9
L: The Word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God.
The Sermon: “The Gift To Go”
The Response -- from I Timothy 1:17
L: Now to the King eternal,
immortal, invisible, the only God,
be honor and glory for ever and ever.
P: Amen.
* The Hymn: “As We Gather at Your Table”
The Meaning of the Sacrament and Invitation
The Communion Prayer
L: The Lord be with you.
P: And also with you.
L: Lift up your hearts!
P: We lift them up to the Lord.
L: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
P: For it is holy and right to do so!
The Sanctus
Together we proclaim the mystery of the faith:
U: Christ has died!
Christ is risen!
Christ will come again!
The Communion

The Response to God
Our Prayers
* The Hymn: “The Servant Song”
* The Benediction


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